Wednesday, December 14, 2011

PMI on Blog use in Education:

-Blogs are live a social learning journal if scaffolded properly.
-It can also serve as a reflective tool. Somewhere for students to reflect on current learnings and express opinions and ideas.
-It seves as a medium for peer sharing. Students can post relevent website etc for other students to view.
This can start conversations in the form of comments.
-A class blog might contain information about assignment tasks, homework, readings etc.
-It can be accessed from almost anywhere from almost any device.
-Group blogs can also be used for communication with parents to let them know of any important information.
-It could list online activities, readings, games etc for students to engage in.
-Showcase student work that is of a high standard.
-If not scaffolded properly, blogs can be chaotic. Importantly, the students need to understand the use of a blog. For example: It is for the collaboration of ideas etc. Also, the purpose or subject matter must be specified so that students do not go off topic.
-Time consuming to constantly update and check on blogs...if you're checking every student in the class' blog, thats a lot of blogs to check. Also, who do you comment on? Should teachers comment on every blog? Will a student feel left out if they are not commented on? Again, time consuming...
-Does every student own a computer in their home? Is it possible for the student to have unlimited acess to this technology in the evenings?
-TIME. The spaces of time between entries and comments can mean that ideas or opportunities for important conversations can be lost due to the time frame.
-They have so many uses!!

This link is to a great PDF which i got a lot of these ideas from:
This link is a great list of advantages and got me thinking about some of those disadvantages i hadnt thought of before...

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