Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Assessment Task 2

The internet opens many portals of information and sharing opportunities that just cannot be accessed as readily without it. The way that the internet and its tools allow for inquiry, collaboration and access to information is beneficial to the classroom. In a world where the internet almost controls our lives and most of our learning is done there already (e.g. if you do not know the answer to a question-Google it!)it would seem useless not to utilise this tool. Although this makes sense, many factors stand in the way of this happening, mainly the lack of resources. Is it really possible to supply students for a computer or internet connectable device for so many hours per day and do all students have access to computers in their own homes? In the Practical placements that I have been in, I have only witnessed one lesson in which students engaged in technologies. The experience was not engaging and offered little educational value-the students simply typed an assignment into a word document. I also observed that the students were not engaged in the activity-they were bored and found no purpose for the activity. This brings me to thinking that: In a world where almost every student is tech savvy- wouldn't it make sense to use their current skills and apply it to new content?
The activity that was participated in which included students commenting on a topic using De Bono’s ‘Six Hats’ and a wiki page was a great example of Constructivist learning. There are a few things to point out here. Firstly, the thinking tool:
Scaffolding is a theory that suggests that teachers must provide detailed information about what to do, how to do it, in what sequence and what to use. With this information students are able to complete tasks with little to no assistance from the teacher. This coincides with Vygotsky’s theory of the Zone of Proximal Development. The theory is defined as “the distance between the actual development of a child as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers” (University of Tasmania). Scaffolding helps the student achieve development through assistance with tools to achieve things that are just outside their current abilities. The scaffolding tool used in the wiki is De Bono’s ‘Six Hats’. The thinking tool works like this: “There are six imaginary thinking hats, [each] hat having a different color. Each of the 6 hats represents a different type of thinking. When you "put on" one of the hats, you exclusively operate in that mode of thinking.” (Bendigo Senior Secondary College, 2005). The scaffolding required for this thinking would be a description of each hat and some suggestions on how you need to be thinking in this hat. Examples may be provided to initiate the thinking required but after that the students are left to collaborate on the topic together.

Secondly, the collaboration component of this task was made possible through the use of the wiki. A wiki is “a web site that lets any visitor become a participant:  you can create or edit the actual site contents without any special technical knowledge or tools” (The Source for Learning, Inc, 1998-2011). The beauty of the wiki is that it allows for easy collaboration that can be accessed from almost anywhere. Students can write whole pages and form ideas together and they all have ownership over the ideas they come up with. With correct scaffolding, the students can perform these tasks with little to no assistance. Scaffolding is a theory that suggests that teachers must provide detailed information about what to do, how to do it, in what sequence and what to use. With this information students are able to complete tasks with little to no assistance from the teacher. This coincides with Vygotsky’s theory of the Zone of Proximal Development. The theory is defined as “the distance between the actual development of a child as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers” (University of Tasmania). Scaffolding helps the student achieve development through assistance with tools to achieve things that are just outside their current abilities. Within wiki tasks such as the mobile phones wiki-scaffolding is important to allow for students to complete the task.
Blogs can be a great tool for educational purposes. The possibilities are endless. A blog is a page where an author or authors can publish posts. These posts are archived on the site and appear with the most recent at the top of the page. People can view the page and leave comments on the posts that the authors have written. The page has the ability to host images, videos and links to share things with the blog reader. Blogs are mostly free and can be access from a host of different devices such as smart phones, tablets, computers etc.

To illustrate the usage of blogs lets imagine a class engaging in cultures of the world. I gained this idea from the vignette during the course. However, I have modified it. Since the students cannot experience different countries around the world first hand, this is the second best. Below is a link to a Blog I have created which is based on a character I created. During this unit, the teacher may dress up as this character and visit the class in the initial introduction of the character. Surprises like this usually engage students and make them want to know more about the unit. The character will leave on the premise that the character is leaving on an exploration! Thus, the blogging begins! During the time, the character corresponds with the class via the blog and perhaps sends some surprises via snail mail!

Out of the context of subject, below are some daily classroom things that blogs can help facilitate:
-Homework. Using a group blog, teachers can post homework assignments on the page. The homework assignment could include readings, online activities, research enquiries (e.g. expert jigsaw) and many other assigned activities that can be enhanced by using the internet. Links can be provided on the blog to ensure students are looking at appropriate content to the activity.
-Parent/Teacher contact. It is not easy for Parents and Teachers to keep in contact. Again, with a group blog, Teachers can leave notes for Parents to read about important happenings in the classroom. (E.g. “Parents: Reminder regarding permission slip for sport” etc.).
-A blog can be a place where exceptional student’s work can be displayed. This can be a motivation driver as it’s there for teachers, students and parents to see. It’s a way to let the student know that the work they are doing is of a high standard. It’s also a way to motivate other students to work harder to be recognised in this way.

Huette (2006) makes some very important points about pedagogy and blogging. He suggests that blogs:
“-Can promote critical and analytical thinking
-Can promote creative, intuitive and associational thinking
-Can promote Analogical thinking
-Potential for increased access and exposure to quality information
-Combination of solitary and social interaction”
These points link to the pedagogical framework called “Productive Pedagogies” (The State of Queensland (Department of Education), 2002). Intellectual Quality, Supportive Classroom Environment, Recognition of Difference and Connectedness are the main points of the framework. Blogs provide a platform for these theories to come to life- it really does depend on the scaffolding and challenges posed to students.

However, as educators, it is important to be mindful of ethical and safe practices when using blogs and any type of internet capable medium. Cyber bullying, stranger danger, inappropriate content, copyright laws and privacy are some main factors that should be taken into account when publishing online and participating in online activities. All of these factors centre on the safety of the children involved and ethical usage of content.

It’s been said many a times that a picture speaks a thousand words. In the Art strand-even early childhood classrooms engage in the meaning making process that is visual art. Digitals tools can allow for the capturing of pictures, scanning of physical images, manipulation of the images and sharing of the images. Images can be captured using digital cameras which are easy to use and the images are easily downloadable. Physical artworks can be scanned in using scanning equipment to create a digital copy. Digital images can then be manipulated using software like Photoshop or online tools such as picnik. Students can simply adjust the image to fix an imperfections. Alternatively, they can use these tools to tweak the images to enhance and change the messages of the image. Students can then share their images with others through sites like flickr.   

In summary, I think it’s important to mention that part of our job as educators is to engage learners in the content we are trying to teach. The way in which an educator does this may determine if students are engaged and capture the information or are not engaged and miss the information.
Bendigo Senior Secondary College. ,   (2005). de-bono six thinking hat. Retrieved 19/12/11, from http://www.bssc.edu.au/public/learning_teaching/pd/toc/DeBono.shtml
Huette, S  (2006). Blogs in Education. Retrieved 19/12/11, from http://www.careersmarts.com/21/BlogsInEducation.pdf
The Source for Learning, Inc,   (1998-2011). Wiki walk-through. Retrieved 19/12/11, from http://www.teachersfirst.com/content/wiki/
The State of Queensland (Department of Education),   (2002). Productive Pedagogies: Classroom Reflection Manual. Retrieved 19/12/11, from http://education.qld.gov.au/public_media/reports/curriculum-framework/productive-pedagogies/pdfs/prodped.pdf
University of Tasmania ,   Scaffolding. Retrieved 19/12/11, from http://www.educ.utas.edu.au/users/ilwebb/Research/scaffolding.htm

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Check out my wiki
I've also done a SWOT analysis on my wiki about wikis!

PMI on Blog use in Education:

-Blogs are live a social learning journal if scaffolded properly.
-It can also serve as a reflective tool. Somewhere for students to reflect on current learnings and express opinions and ideas.
-It seves as a medium for peer sharing. Students can post relevent website etc for other students to view.
This can start conversations in the form of comments.
-A class blog might contain information about assignment tasks, homework, readings etc.
-It can be accessed from almost anywhere from almost any device.
-Group blogs can also be used for communication with parents to let them know of any important information.
-It could list online activities, readings, games etc for students to engage in.
-Showcase student work that is of a high standard.
-If not scaffolded properly, blogs can be chaotic. Importantly, the students need to understand the use of a blog. For example: It is for the collaboration of ideas etc. Also, the purpose or subject matter must be specified so that students do not go off topic.
-Time consuming to constantly update and check on blogs...if you're checking every student in the class' blog, thats a lot of blogs to check. Also, who do you comment on? Should teachers comment on every blog? Will a student feel left out if they are not commented on? Again, time consuming...
-Does every student own a computer in their home? Is it possible for the student to have unlimited acess to this technology in the evenings?
-TIME. The spaces of time between entries and comments can mean that ideas or opportunities for important conversations can be lost due to the time frame.
-They have so many uses!!

This link is to a great PDF which i got a lot of these ideas from:
This link is a great list of advantages and disadvantages...it got me thinking about some of those disadvantages i hadnt thought of before...

Mobile Phone Wiki and 6 hats....

The mobile phone wiki is a part of Social Constructivism for obvious reasons. Social Constructivism is all about collaboration and the wiki task is a perfect example of that. It relies on social interaction and a thinking tool to create and retain knowledge.
The wiki is also liked to Connectivism. Connectivism is all about accessing information necessary at the time and sharing it with others to expand everyones knowledge. The internet is a powerful medium to access the information required to have an educated opinion on the topic and the wiki provides a space for students to add opinions and ideas freely. 
However, wikis can be a medium for Behaviourist practices. Students can recieve reinforcement through positive comments on posts or edits in the wiki.
It can also be linked to Cognitivism in that the wiki allows for visual and audio components which are then stored into the brain. The way the wiki was set out: in a table, allows for knowledge to be grouped or chunks into smaller, more managable peices of information. The ability to show the information in a number of different ways also allows for multiple learning styles to be supported.

BENEFITS of the Wiki:
-Collaboration elements...it aligns with Vygotsky's Social Education theory and the ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) which suggests that students can learn with help from others.
-The use of De Bono's Six Hats as a template for thinking is important. This allows for students to explore their knowledge with little input from the teacher apart from the scaffolding.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Seimen's Connectivism view

  1. A number of authors contest Siemens' ideas. It is unsettling to be challenged about existing perceptions of "knowing", in particular, the lack of purpose in asking our students to KNOW and be able to RECALL what they know in assessment. Do you agree with them?Can you see Siemen's point of view? What is your position?
  2. Give an example of ways in which you could use this theory in your classroom/learning context?
My initial reaction to this view is: This seems to place Teachers in an awkward position, are they really needed if all a student needs to know is how to find information? How does this work in younger grades? Imagine if this was how learners learnt all their schooling years. Is there purpose in the physical classroom?

After listening to the video, I tend to think that there is a place for this type of learning in the classroom. However, not all of the time. Networking and essentially socialising and collaborating on a task or subject using 1) Scholarly texts 2)Peers and 3) Professionals. It's almost like a research assignment? ICT's seem ESSENTIAL in this!

Like I mentioned a research assignment would be a perfect example of how this can be used. With Learning Manager's supervision; Learners can use the internet to access scholarly texts, interact with peers and even contact professionals about the topic.

Prensky's Engage or Enrage

  1. What is your belief and understanding of the nature of today's learners? Is there substance to the "engage or enrage" argument?
Prensky begins his article by indentifying 3 types of learners: Self motivated, 'go through the motions' and 'tune us out'. As a future Learning Manage, I can see the truth in these descriptions. You will always get the Learners who are: truly keen to learn-because they want to, going through the motions because they have little choice and uninterested entirely in what we have to say. I guess the question is, do these types of learners exist because we are not teaching them the way they need to be? Is this our fault?

The previous readings about learning styles and multiple intelligences suggest that every student is an individual and should be taught as such. However, Prenksy seem to say that all students are Digital learners and that us 'oldies' should adapt to that if we want to find success in the classroom. Is that so?

In Thrupps paper, it suggests that the involvement of ICT's in the classroom can cause more problems than solutions to the engagement issue. According to the paper, there are different types of ICT learners and that not all learners will benefit from an wholly ICT classroom. So, it basicly suggests that Prenskys claim that Native Born ICT users should be taught through the use of ICT's isn't entirely true.

So how do we teach our learners?

I do believe that if you do not engage a student in the learning process-you are wasting your time. Which is generally what Prenksy was saying.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Multiple Intelligences

  1. How would you use this information to inform your learning design?
I am equally Body, World, Music and Number Smart. I am Myself Smart more than anything else and People, Picture and Nature smart least.
This learner seems to learn well with Words and Numbers. I would maybe also say that they work better by themselves? I would suggest that this learner would benefit more from reading and listening individually rather than group activities.

The purpose of these Multiple Intelligences is to find learner's own talent spots. Once their talents have been found, the Learning Managers should harness that knowledge by presenting learning experiences that are delivered in ways that these talents be used. I guess, Learners are more engaged if they are able to do something they are good and successful at.