Results for: Emily Paskins
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These are my results from the Learning Styles quiz.
By looking at these results I would say that I am fairly "balanced" between the two discriptions.
The only one I actually charted to one side in particular was on the "Sensing and Intuitive" scale in which I am more intuitive.
- What is your learning style? What sorts of learning experiences would suit you best with your learning style?
If this were the results of a learner in a classroom, I would say that the Learning Manager had a diverse range of delivery methods to choose from.
- In a traditional classroom of 25 students, how would you support the range of learning styles each lesson?
Provide a different learning experience for each learning style and incorporate that into one.
E.g. Active learners may enjoy a roleplay situation where the learners can enact some new information to "try it out", Reflective learners may enjoy watching the roleplay and listening to the discussions going on about the new information. Both learners may be able to, in the end, discuss the information together?
Knowing that some learners will benefit from certain activities and designing your learning experience to incorporate those activites...even if they are complete opposites.
- With your current knowledge of ICT, how could your design and digital pedagogy support your learners better?
It will provide for different learning styles with the vast array of resources available. The design process will allow for Learning Managers to 'sift through' these resources and choose those best to engage the learning process.
- What sorts of profiling questions would you be asking about your learners to ensure you cater for everyone's preferences?
I guess the sensible question is: How do my learners learn best?
Is it possible to get all students to do this test? I mean, is that something that is possible? Is this test reliable?
- How does ICT support differences in learning styles?
Like I mentioned before, there are so many resources that we can use to explore different subjects.
These resources come in different forms. The resources can be suited for all different learning styles.